
Showing posts from September, 2020

Get a life

Get a life!
Oh you silly, I can't have another life except mine.

La remi

Am atatea duble ca pot sa fac schimb si cu mine.

Oh brother

Oh brother
Oh uncle

Not good enough
What are you talking about? This is best merchandise i'm giving you.

Bubiba se plictisea

Bubiba se plictisea. L-a chemat si pe Chelobi. Acum amandoi se plictiseau. Au chemat si-un elefant. Acum se plictiseau si mai aveau si un elefant pe cap. L-au alungat pe elefant. Bubiba l-a alungat pe Chelobi. Bubiba era acum tare fericit.


I will make an appointment for you so you will not be disappointed.


Can i call you guy with no hair?
No, this is not respect.
Oh,ok, can i call you guy with hair then?
Yes of course, this is full of respect.

Just say something

Just try to say something leaving the impression that you are not saying anything. It's not that easy.

Vrem prajitura

Papapi papapi si Papapi papapica au hotarat sa mearga la cofetarie. Cum intra in cofetarie deodata Papapi papapi se supara foarte tare. Roooaaar! What happened kind sir spune chelnerita. Papapi papapi spune: vi se spune chelnerita pentru ca nu aveti par? Nu spune chelnerita, ci pentru ca am par dar lumea nu il apreciaza. Dar povestea noastra din pacate nu se termina aici. Papapi papapica nu mai poate din cauza foamei de prajiturele pe care o avea. Si ce e si mai trist este ca in cofetarie nu aveau prajituri. Vindeau numai pungi. Atat mai ramasese dupa ultima vizita a lui Bunapi Bunapi si Bunapi Bunapica. Atunci Papapi papapi se supara a doua oara si a inceput sa planga. Si a plans si plans si plans pana cand cofetaria s-a umplut pana la jumatate cu apa. Atunci ce mai ramasese din Papapi papapi a plecat cu Papapi papapica la ei acasa. Papapi papapica a facut o prajitura si a mancat-o doar ea.

Mother of a father

You're a mother of a father, I'm a father of a mother
Don't you know that I'm your father, oh you mother of a mother?
He's the father , i'm the mother
Oh you father of a mother
Mother, father, mother, father
Who's the kid?
Oh it's your brother